Ray Stata
Pontish Yeramyan was a consultant from whom Ray learned about leadership. New meanings for assessment, breakthrough, empowerment and accountability were advocated.
Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship - Interview with Ray Stata
Rockport University, February 8th, 2010
Reflections on Ray’s career development and how Analog Devices got started. Ray talks about the challenges to long term growth and how he sustained success of Analog Devices over more than four decades. The interview also explored Ray’s thoughts on leadership in innovation and the challenges and opportunities of globalization.
Analog Devices, 1994, 1995, 1997
During the mid-90’s, in order to improve organization performance, ADI shifted its focus in leadership development from the Quality of Management (TQM) to the Quality of Leadership. To introduce new leadership concepts and skills, the company invited 100 of its top leaders from around the world to an annual two day leadership conference. Here are the opening remarks to set the stage for these annual conferences.
Ray Stata, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 18th, 2009
A brief review of evolving concepts for effective leadership, noting distinctions between management and leadership and between TQM and systems thinking. Introduces conversation skills as a process to achieve alignment, to coordinate action and to build trustful relationships.
What Leaders Really Do
John P. Kotter, Harvard Business Review, December 2001
John Kotter’s work deepened and extended insights into the distinction between management and leadership. He advocated they were complementary systems of action, both necessary for success, but that most companies were over managed and under led. Good management is about coping with complexity and bringing about a degree of order and consistency. Leadership is about coping with change in a dynamic environment.
I would add that management tasks can be delegated whereas leadership is a personal responsibility. Leadership is about influence; management is about control.
Organizational Learning: The Key to Success in the 1990s
Ray Stata, Prism, Fourth Quarter 1992
The rising standards in the rapidly changing technology and world markets are driving a paradigm shift with regard to performance improvement. TQM highlights four levels of learning – individual, team, organizational and societal. Beyond TQM there is a need to transform managers into leaders who have the knowledge and skills to manage change. It is often necessary for leadership to discard old assumptions and beliefs that have become impediments to progress and growth.